Monday, June 24, 2013

Self Esteem Sale

So I went on a rampage and collected several large boxes of toys, clothes, equipment, products and as I was ready to leave and drop them at a local charity I sent out a desperate plea that went something like "I have held on to these toys and clothes this long hoping deeply that a friend will get pregnant so I can pass them to them instead and I'm 20 mins from giving them to charity and this is your last chance. If there is ANYONE I know having a baby then step forward and take these from me now before they are gone".

Nothing magical happened in the minutes ahead. No surprise phone call, text, email or facebook update. So I bundled them in the car. The first charity bin on the way to my sons daycare (where I had to stop off for an appointment) was full so I drove on planning to get to my daycare appointment then drive on to the next charity bin after that.

As I waited for my appointment my son's daycare teacher came out to let me know the person I was waiting for would be delayed a few minutes. I got chatting and mentioned I had a car full of charity items and asked if the daycare has a use for any of them. He followed me to the car and said some of the items may be of interest but he wasn't sure which then BAM I realised, his wife is pregnant. So I said gosh, forget the daycare centre, you take what you want and anything left over can go to the centre if you think it's useful for them. 5 minutes the car was empty and my heart was full knowing they had all gone to a person who cares for my son 3 days a week with much love. What had I not thought of this!?

Crazy how stuff works, but you know what, that sincere intention, often in the form of a desperate plee followed by resignation to faith, always, always results in a response from the universe and often never the response I expected but always, a perfect solution to the brief I gave it. "Take these toys and clothes to someone I know and want to have them".


The pile commences....

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